Saturday, March 28, 2009

Beijing Day 3

Walked around Yong He Gong and Tian Tan today, nothing much to report, except the Lama paintings possessed a stunning amount of detail. Didn't take too many pictures in Yong He Gong, because I am superstitious and respectful like that. A bunch of Brits treated the temple as a playground, screaming and laughing like it was a circus. Felt like beating them up.

Tian Tan was really nice, except we got there late so it was a rush job like that. Am still jealous of the grandeur in China. there is so much to walk. Came back early by myself, decided to wander around Tian An Men, there are plenty of CCTVs. I'm actually hesitating about the Great Wall and Tian An Men tours the next few days, I'm beginning to lose interest in Beijing. What won't I do for buffet feast at a hawker centre right now. I don't even feel like buying stuff anymore. Maybe I'm grumpy cos I had no coffee today. Bah.

1 comment:

  1. Ehs,
    If there is any chance I will be going to Shanghai, I need to know exactly when your last day will be there. I have a damn convoluted schedule right now. I have to plan my exact dates for everything. Heading to NY on a last minute decision. Email me yah.
