Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some Things

金瓶梅 (2008)
金瓶梅 (1996)
上车,走吧 (2000): http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTk0NzI2MzI=.html
La Bete Humaine (Renoir)
The Outsider (Camus)
Midnight's Gate (Bei Dao)
Gran Torino
The Time Machine (Wells)

Been a fan of Ge You since Huo Zhe, he does commercial films by Feng Xiaogang too. Feng is like what Jack Neo aspires to be, but with a bigger budget, and a much more substantial box office performance. People aren't ashamed to say they are fans, except for AV Wang, who has since stopped saying "这个可以!" (wrt to my tastes in film) to me after I specifically asked for Feng's films for a marketing paper I'm doing.

The actor in 上车,走吧 was in Crazy Stone as well, which is why I found him particularly familiar. He's really good, and ugly. But mostly good. Telemovies from China fascinate me.

Camus is a sneaky bastard who lulls you with a story about a passive man, whose only act of impulse (blamed on the heat, the sun) lands him in prison. Camus then orchestrates a rousing closure, having entirely abandoned the pace in the first half of the book, and launching a tirade on liars, hypocrites and Christians (not related).

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