Monday, May 11, 2009

Catching Myself In Time

Some of you might know the unfortunate suicide in the student's dormitory a couple of months ago. I made light of the situation -much to my shame now- scorning weak-minded people.

I started huddling myself just now at scenes on TV of Wenchuan, broke out into sobbing, and there was no voice in the room to tell me what my life's been about. Clawing my way out of the state, I was dazed, as if I had just escaped a narrow death, jumping out of the tracks just before the train bore down on me. Loneliness is so scary and intangible, hits you without warning. Nothing I've done this week has led to this incident, just another sucker punch that will turn into a blip in -what I now hope to be- a long, long lifetime.

Fuck that was some scary shit.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I didn’t realise how much I missed the smugness of being local until I fell sick in Shanghai, and couldn’t find porridge that lasted past midnight.

At 130am, almost all the roadside hawkers had dispersed. The only one that remained gave me options: fried rice with beef, or fried rice with pork. I chose one.

Back in the room, I was tempted to boil water and throw it into the Styrofoam box, but I fought the insanity, and shoveled it in with a pair of disposable chopsticks.

I will be lying if I said my tears made the rice so watered it might as well be porridge, because when you’re alone in a foreign land, the last thing you want to do is weep. There’s no one to listen.

Earlier today, I had porridge at Xin Wang again. It was piping hot, tasty, well-garnished. All the decoration, all the reminders that I had to pay, it wasn’t made for me alone, Mummy wasn’t beside me to helplessly tell me porridge was good for colds.

The GoogleMap I have in my heart is useless in this terrain. My extensive list of supper haunts back home cannot save me here. What I wouldn’t give for some sloppy gruel with self-service, the clanging of ceramic bowls and spoons, soy sauce and pepper on standby.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Less Is More, More Is Good

Like most men I think I'm invincible. This explains my severe underpreparation of a medicinal kit, thinking that nothing would hit me, and even if it did, I'd be able to buy from a local pharmacy.

There's been a cough that refuses to fuck off for about 2 weeks now. So I decided to swing by a local pharmacy at WuJiaoChang today. Bad idea.

Firstly, as if shelves in pharmacies aren't already chockful of colours and brands and fonts, they had to be in Chinese. I can read Chinese, yes, but medicine terms are kinda WTF. Not knowing what I should go for, I described my symptoms to the salesgirl, who recommended me some pills and a liquid. She reached for 2 bottles of (probably) nasty stuff, and no one in their right mind would've taken 2 bottles of anything from a pharmacy, unless you're really cheap and want a high. So I said no, 1 bottle. "2 bottles will only last you 3 days!"

Ummm, it was larger than the plastic bottle we're used to back home. I insisted on 1, because from past experience we all know the medicine dispensed in Singapore is never meant to be finished, and if you still haven't recovered after a cycle of a miniscule bottle of cough syrup and some teensy-weensy pills, you should probably do a full-body checkup.

Then I got home, and read the instructions. I had to swallow 4 emerald capsule pills, and drink 20ml of that nasty. The pills weren't small, and as I was trying to force the 4 pills down, I wondered why they couldn't just increase the active ingredient into 1 capsule. I realised from past random observations, that the Chinese tend to believe More is Good in medicine. Pills have always been fat, if you visit a hospital before the doctor sees you you have to get an IV drip, they don't have small tablets the size of a handphone button. It's always about the grand gestures, as if I'll have a peace of mind when I feel the capsules sticking inside my throat.

All this waste, and what for? I am still skeptical, not because of prejudice, but because I read under Side Effects for the pills: 尚不明确 "Things are not clear as of now." Fucking fortune cookie.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Blind Mountain 盲山 (2007)

If Blind Mountain failed to win any awards at Cannes, I have to watch Blind Shaft (Silver Bear). 

Friday, May 1, 2009

MIDI Day 1

Wow. China has a lot of rock fans.

MIDI was weird, in the sense that for a major music festival, it had a lot of foodstalls, like maybe 20 or so, and not small ones as well. There were 2 臭豆腐, 3 羊肉串 and many other stalls that were replicated. The only alkie was beer, urgh. They sold ice-cream, and merchandise stalls were very bare.

Many people at the festival were locals, and dressed like they were going to a park or a restaurant... I counted tens of women stumbling across the slopes in 2-inch heels. And my, the slopes! Instead of grass, we had green netting nailed to the ground, which was supposed evened with a tractor. Tractor, not steamroller. It was like chiong sua. I myself stumbled around in my sneakers (no I wasn't drunk, not yet anyway), which had turned brown from the soil and dust. It was effectively a construction site, but I'm not complaining, for a 3-day ticket that cost 120RMB, there's really nothing to be said. The program booklet was free, the merchandise was cheap. I got a Thinman 瘦人 album for 30RMB, and a MIDI tote bag for 15 RMB. Compared to the 40 euros I paid for my Sonar bag, this was peanuts. I had to buy a tote bag because I stupidly wore a windbreaker in 20+ Celcius weather. Not very smart, I know.

Now on to the music, as expected, the dance music stage had more people commuting from the main arena to the toilets, which was a very sad fate. It was daylight, I was shy, so no dancing. Not that I dug that stuff anyway, mostly Detroit techno and minimal electro, as if they were the same thing.

The main arena was majestic, I almost thought I was at live8. I sampled the best of Chinese rock, and man was it good. Technically very sound, metal bands were very metal, alternative were alternative, and they were all dressed the part. I particularly liked Twisted Machine and Thinman. The foreign bands were a bit bleah for me, I guess we're quite spoilt that way. Mike TV (UK) was funny, and I LOL-ed when the singer of Army of Freshmen (US) jumped off the stage, only to be surrounded by 6-7 policemen, refusing to let him shake hands and connect with the crowd. Ironic when you see how the government has permitted all forms of American media, brands and products into China, causing the Chinese to imitate the American way of consumerism (my Fudan professors agree). And then they bar a no-name American band lead from shaking hands with the same youths exposed to hundreds of American-styled advertisements. *chuckle*

Obviously, everyone was waiting for Cui Jian, the Godfather of Chinese Rock. The stupid website said Grandfather, so when I went around asking people if this was 老催爷爷 they looked indignant. Then someone said 教父, goddamned translations...

I didn't really like his shit, but he was phenomenal. He was the only artiste people were chanting to see, and everyone at the back got off their asses, the scene was so intimidating, people were "pogo"-ing, devil's horns everywhere. There's no Western equivalent of Cui Jian. And having read up a bit of his past, I kinda had this feeling a lot of the youths were celebrating his past feats, and not really digging the music. Whatever the case, rock has always been politically-charged, but that didn't do it for me, so I left before Zhenjiang's pitiful fleet of cabs became all hired.

The cab I got on took on another passenger, offering me a "discount", so I sat in the backseat in silence while the 2 chattered away in the front. I got a 2RMB discount, judging by what I paid to get there earlier.

Please appreciate this post, I'm not very sober. I'm all ROCKED, and STONED. \m/

Monday, April 27, 2009

MIDI Music Festival

Praying Eric and Eve can find me a train ticket there...









7、老生常谈了,POGO的时候要注意安全,要量力而行,防止体力透支,防止意外伤害。 严禁在妇女不愿意的情况下强行推入pogo圈,18岁以下儿童请在成年人的指导下进行pogo,12岁以下身高不足150cm的儿童严禁pogo,以防止不必要的伤害。见到有人被撞倒在地,大家请友情的搀扶起来。











Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My lungs are relieved but my heart is sad

Probably the opposite of what you were thinking, I sent Mummy off at the airport with a heavy heart, and no amount of carefree smoking could cheer me up. She offered me some money on the way to the airport, looking all worried. I refused it knowing full well I'd have run out before the end of the semester. I didn't want her thinking she was an ATM on this trip, so I paid for everything when she was in Shanghai, with money I could ill afford to fritter away. I am finally sober, and I am finally ashamed to say I have spent 36000RMB so far. I refuse to ask her for more money, and her offer has strengthened my resolve. I should be fine, barring any calamities, but of course this is China, so.

There is work to be done so I shan't dwaddle, take care and catch up soon!